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ABB CP450-T-ETH 1SBP260189R1001 10.4" TFT touch screen 64k colors

质保: 365天
状况: 全新/二手
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    ABB CP450-T-ETH 1SBP260189R1001 10.4" TFT touch screen  64k colors/The context provided is related to the CP450T-ETH, a control panel manufactured by ABB. The product is described as having a 10.4" TFT touch screen, 64k colors, and Ethernet connectivity. The control panel also has features such as alarm management, recipe management, trends, macro & ladder, and sub-screen. The product is sold with a one-year warranty and is mainly used as a spare part module for PLC and DCS systems. The product is equipped with gG Type Fuses Integrated for short circuit protection. In this answer, we will discuss the CP450T-ETH in more detail and provide some information about its features and applications.

    The CP450T-ETH is a control panel that is used to interface with PLC and DCS systems. The control panel has a 10.4" TFT touch screen that can display up to 64k colors. The touch screen can be used to access different menus and control functions. The control panel also has seven defined keys that can be used to perform specific functions. The Ethernet connectivity of the control panel allows it to be connected to a network, which can be used to transfer data between different devices. 

    ABB CP430T-ETH 1SBP260189R1001 HMI Control Panel..jpg

    The CP450T-ETH has several features that make it useful in different applications. The control panel has alarm management, which allows it to monitor different processes and alert the user if there is an issue. The recipe management feature allows the control panel to store different recipes that can be used to control a process. The trends feature allows the user to view data over time, which can be used to analyze different processes. The macro and ladder feature allows the user to create custom programs that can be run on the control panel. The sub-screen feature allows the user to display additional information on the control panel.